Our mission has always been the same...To create magical pockets of time and beautiful spaces for women to connect to their own exhale and allow themselves to find nourishment for body, mind and spirit.
It has been a living breathing thing from the beginning. Based on what we needed, what we could actually do, and what the state of the world was up to! Along the way we have learned a ton. We have made mistakes. And we have changed and grown.
And still, our mission remains the same.
To create magical pockets of time and beautiful spaces for women to connect to their own exhale and allow themselves to find nourishment for body, mind and spirit.
One thing we have recently learned is that you are feeling a lot like we are feeling, like we want to get back in the game of living. And we’d like to do it together.
Our newest venture, the dinner dates we have been hosting, are our way of doing just that. They are our opportunity to be creative and hospitable. And our favorite part...a chance to safely be together.
The dinner dates also lit a fire under our asses. We are now more focused and getting very clear on our vision for TTS as we move forward. We are excited for all of our dinner dates booked for this summer as well as our plans for the fall. We have retreat dates coming very soon. But maybe the thing we are most excited about is the opportunity for you to work with Bec.
Bec is our very own personal guide. She holds our hands and helps us see what we can’t see on our own. She turns on her flash light so we can see the path we couldn’t see alone. We are so grateful for her gift. And now you guys can work with her too! There’s no denying that this is part of her calling in this lifetime. She has a lot to offer and it’s time to share her! While we are working on our website and final touches to our new coaching/mentoring/cheerleading/walk alongside of you as you do this life thing....Bec is going to be offering some one on one coaching for a small beta group of women. Feel free to email to learn more or with any questions you may have.
Stay tuned for big dates, and if you are local to Merrick NY we have a couple of spots at our table for June 5th and man we’d love to see you